禁止使用自行攜帶的高電量或發熱性電器用品 (如吹風機、電鍋、電磁爐、電髮捲、電湯匙、挖礦機 ..等等類似物品) 原插座上已有的插頭請勿拔掉。
(背包房)不提供毛巾、浴巾、牙刷等商品須自行攜帶,我們備有洗髮精、沐浴乳、棉花棒等衛浴用品。 小屋內用品皆為共用,請勿帶離小屋如擅自帶離視同偷竊。
小屋(客廳及背包房)房內沒有電視,但客廳備有投影機 可以觀賞電影或玩遊樂器,如需借用投影機可以訊息小編預約,(需要自備電腦及遊樂器)
退房當日的中午12-15點仍可進行最後一次洗漱, 逾時仍需酌收30元清潔費。
Check-in Information
The use of high power or heat generating electrical appliances (such as hair dryers, electric pots, induction stoves, electric hair rollers, electric spoons, diggers . Please do not unplug any existing plugs from the original outlets.
Please bring your own towels, bath towels, toothbrushes, etc. We have shampoo, body lotion, cotton swabs and other toiletries available. Please do not take them out of the hut as they are shared.
There are a limited number of bicycles available in the store, so if you need to use them, please contact the editor first to make a reservation.
Please pay a cleaning fee of 300 TWD for bloodstained bedding and blankets, and pay for any damage to the store.
There are no TVs in the cabins (living room and backpacking room), but there is a projector in the living room for watching movies or playing with amusement devices. Need to bring your own computer and play equipment